Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 12:58:44 IST   
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Vision & Mission

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Technical education in India contributes a major share to the overall education system and plays a vital role in the social and economic development of our nation.

Fast Forward To Success

The Organisation

SINCAS vision and mission reflects its commitment towards providing quality higher education, undertake meaningful research and create overall progress amongst the stakeholders involved

Our Objectives

• Our Objective To provide curricular flexibility facilitating inter-disciplinary courses of study and research.

• To establish Schools of Excellence.

• To promote research as a tool for social and rural development.

• To establish relationships with renowned Universities and facilitate mutual exchange programmes.

• To establish meaningful linkages with business and service sectors.

• To undertake extra–mural studies, extension programmes and field outreach activities for societal development.

• To explore the applications of ancient technology, sciences & arts and incorporate the same into the curriculum to meet modern requirements.

• To extend the benefits of higher education to the economically backward and the physically disadvantaged.

• To offer value-based education.

• To provide world class Education

Our Vision

“ SINCAS is to be a world class college engaging in meaningful research & development offering quality education to the students and other learners.”

Our Mission

SINCAS is to impart value–based higher education turning out good scholars who are at the same time good individuals and citizens in order that they may become useful personalities of an enlightened humane society